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Don Canalón® Aliminium Rain Guttering helps protect the environment.

To protect the planet ensuring a correct exploitation of natural resources is one of Don Canalón® Aliminium Rain Guttering priorities. For that reason our guttering are totally made of aluminium. That makes our product a totally ecologic product, given that aluminium is 100% recyclable. Obsolete aluminium can be converted into new aluminium without any damage to its properties, in a process that besides needs of very few energy and represents only a 5% of that needed to make the initial raw material.

Aluminium is nowadays one of the main urban wastes, as it’s the main component of a big amount of alimentary products’ containers, being the most common to find it in canned beverages. It’s also common its use in building and transport industries.

Recycling process entails a pre-treatment process, melting and refining in which they use fuel, flux and alloy. The obtained product gets the name of secondary aluminium, keeping the same properties than the primary one, and being much cheaper.

We all can help with this task, since to recycle aluminium it’s only necessary to collect it first, so it is very important that you separate it from other rubbish at your own home. Keep at your home a separate bin where you can store all aluminium wastes, so you can put it in the yellow rubbish container later.
In the same environmental line Don Canalón® also installs decorative water butts for rain water recovery and storage. Water is indeed our most valuable good and one of the most limited resources.

With more than 20 years of experience Don Canalón® Aliminium Rain Gutteringmanufactures and installs seamless aluminium rain guttering on-site, with the best value for money in the market. We also install decorative water butts for rain water storage with style and elegance. Based in Elche (Alicante), we install rain guttering in AlicanteMurciaCosta Blanca & Costa Cálida.

Contact us to obtain a free quotation without any obligation. Our professional staff will give you advice about the best water collecting solution for your house. We’ll only offer to you the product you need.

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